Tuesday 11 April 2017

Reflecting On Term One

It's been really nice reflecting on our first term together this week.

When we take time to really think about what we have done and how, we can identify what sort of learner we have been and what our next steps are.

Through a class discussion about our year so far, we asked 'What have we been doing really well? and "What can we be proud of as a class?"

These are some of our responses...

  • "People engaged in their learning"
  • "Peaceful environment"
  • "Great feedback from other teachers"
  • "Working well together"
  • "Personal reading"
  • "We won KiwiCan"
  • "12 people in all Readers' Cafēs"
  • "Managing our tasks"
  • "Lots of kids in extras groups and teams"
  • "Using our learning spaces well"
  • "Lots of nice people"
  • "Working hard"
  • "Great teachers"
  • "Challenging ourselves"

We think these are all positive things and it was wonderful hearing students giving their reasons for their statements. Of course there were some things identified for us to work on that we will focus on as a class after the break.

Often, talking to the people around us can give us valuable feedback about our own performance. Sometimes they notice things that we don't. We spent time talking to our peers about things that they have noticed about us, which helped us to individually identify our next steps and write a blog post titled - 'Reflecting on term one'.

See our personal blogs if you want to know more, and leave us a comment if you like!


  1. This task definitely pushed me to my limits. The fact that we had to finish this task in 1 day made it pretty challenging and I have to give this task credit just for that

  2. Well this year has bean realy good lots of our koru 1kids have made lots of proge in ther learing and the class room has changed but i realy like it and the kids have bean realy good
